Graham-field-riding-motocycle-final (1)

writer, adventurer, motorcyclist, traveller

Overland motorcycle travel author, strong desires and infinite dreams

Travel on my mind, bikes in my blood and little in my wallet. My low budget journeys of humour and honesty have inspired many to hit the road in search of their dreams. I’m a solo traveller at heart, and my observations and occasional relations, take the readers of my books along with me to Mongolia, Iraq, the Arctic Circle and many other distant destinations...read more


A world viewed through the visor - £750 bike, 15,000-mile journeys, 100-day time frame, solo independent budget travel, no support, no sponsorship, no guide


A life time of travel experience and anecdotes from backpack to bicycle to motorbike


My diaries, over 30 years of travel and story telling. Honest, insightful, introspective, thoughtful, aware, authentic, integrity, down to earth, achievable, no pretense.

Discovering truths:

Dispelling myths, real first-hand experiences.

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Bands tour to promote their music to a wider audience, that’s how they generate record sales. Likewise, when I do a presentation, the entertainment value of my stories and anecdotes generally increases the popularity of my books and audio books. Here is a 6-minute edited mix of some highlights taken from this year’s European tour.

5 years as co-host on Adventure Rider Radio RAW

Vlogger and Reviewer for Adventure Bike TV.

About Graham Field

Graham Field is the author of 8 travel books, In Search of Greener Grass, Eureka, Different Natures, Near Varna, Not Working and the Rambling On trilogy.

Travel on his mind, bikes in his blood and little in his wallet, Graham's low budget journeys of humour and honesty have inspired many to hit the road in search of their dreams. A solo traveller at heart, his observations and occasional relations, take his readers with him to Mongolia, Iraq, the Arctic Circle and many other distant destinations..

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