The full size of the rock is now evident.
Using scaffold poles that could do with being twice the length, the rock leaves its bed.
Although I didn’t know it at the time, getting the rock to this point had broken my back.
A temporary resting place.
My KLR model gave me an idea.
Yep it fits.
The last push and the rock is standing.
My back gets bolted together.
Five years later I have an idea.
A rock tattoo, engraving is a more common term I think, sculpture even.
So begins the dusty inscription.
Intense concentration as mistakes are not easily corrected.
Now the colouring in starts.
I’ve done it.
Give it a wash and it turns out to be quite striking.
I’ve even made a little flower bed.
Written in stone for seasons to come.
So now I have my rock book title tattoo.
I predict pilgrimages.