How can I explain this?
I’m one of only 5 people to have this ‘My Adventure Logger’ prototype

It’s brand new technology that links the photos, comments and locations of my route to a database via gps from the logger on the bike,then with it’s built in bluetooth connection my phone and camera the data is sent with W-FI to the website, so you can see the exact route and what was on it. Check this out
If you are like me, whenever you see and geared up bike it stops you in your tracks. With this sticker on the panniers you can scan the QR code and see where the bike is from and where it’s going.
- Constant automatic motion tracking;
- Strong, durable and waterproof designed for harsh conditions;
- Sending data from the bike to our website happens with the click of a button inside our smartphone application;
- No special SIM card required for sending data. We use Bluetooth to connect the BikeLogger to the traveler’s phone;
- Works 100% of the time without losing any data no matter what;
- Sending track, photos and comments data happens whenever the traveler decides and has the time;
- Special algorithm for positioning photos on the exact map locations which does not require GPS on the camera;
- Our platform is building a smart database from the various shared trips. We call it the “Adventure Map of the World”. It will allow adventure riders to share knowledge and better plan their travels in remote places all over the globe;
About the system
- MyAdventure is a platform for tracking and sharing of motorcycle adventures while you are on the road;
- It is made with great enthusiasm from bikers for bikers so we can share the great places and routes on our planet and also take friends and fans as our virtual passengers;
- It is easy to use, works even in the harshest of conditions and requires minimal effort from the traveler to get his track, photos and comments on the right places;
- The big difference from various systems like Facebook, personal blogs or SPOT is that it is a complete end-to-end package specifically tailored to the needs of motorcycle adventure riders;
- We have great respect for the guys at SPOT. They have made a great product for saving human lives which has actually helped many friends of ours. It is good to know we are not really into the emergency rescue operations business but rather in the adventure tracking, sharing and planning one;
- We have plans for really great features useful for everyone who travels on a motorcycle so the system is just starting now;
- We are a small team of enthusiasts. It took us some time to turn our idea into reality without external help but we are determined and are moving forward as fast as we can;
- The system consists of 3 components: a website, a smartphone app and a hardware logger device (MyAdventure Logger or BikeLogger)
- Constant automatic motion tracking thanks to our custom hardware device;
- Strong, durable and waterproof logger device designed for harsh conditions. It gets mounted under the rare seat of the bike and you forget about it;
- Sending data from the bike to our website happens with the click of a button inside our smartphone application;
- No special SIM card required for sending data. We use Bluetooth to connect the BikeLogger to the traveler’s phone and then it is up to him/her to choose the Internet connection – whether it is free WiFi, a pre-paid SIM, standard SIM with roaming, etc.
- The system’s highest priority is to work 100% of the time and without losing any data no matter what;
We understand and respect the easy times as well as the hard times a traveler goes through. This is why sending track, photos and comments data happens whenever the traveler decides and has the time. No burdensome rules apply and no data is lost even if he has no connectivity for a long time. For instance a rider could send data every day and then get in a problematic environment for a few days or even weeks without any access to the Internet. He could send the data after 1 or more weeks and upload his photos after 2 more weeks and all data will automagically show up at the right spots on the map;
We have a special adaptive algorithm for positioning photos on the exact map locations which does not require GPS on the camera;
Our platform is building a smart database from the various shared trips. We call it the “Adventure Map of the World”. It will allow adventure riders to share knowledge and better plan their travels in remote places all over the globe;
- We are going to start selling this season (2016);
- We are taking pre-orders now as part of our paid Beta program. The pre-orders will be a limited number and at a discounted price as gratitude to our early adopters. Users can pre-order from our website on or by just writing us via our contact form. The plan is to ship the Beta devices at the beginning of April;