
So what’s it called now?

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So what’s it called now?

I Would Have Been Finished Sooner. That was one of the many considerations. Over two and a half years ago, when it was decided to turn the Rambling On manuscript into a trilogy, the inspired idea to give the three books a ‘should have, could have, would have’ theme made perfect sense. Starting with the faux pas whiskey awakening, the realisation that I should have left the bottle in Book One. Book Two with its dream-come-true achievement to cycle China lent itself to the I Could Have Been A Dreamer title, but this book – well, it was not so easy.

Sometimes I have a title before the first page of the book is written, the journey not even complete. That was the case with In Search of Greener Grass, the title came to me out of the wild Mongolian blue yonder. Other titles came from a phrase in the narrative after completion. This book has been written and rewritten, changed and changed again, it’s taken years to get it to this finished state. I’ve changed the title as frequently as my underwear, every morning I had a shining new idea and by evening I discarded it. I was dictated by the ‘I would have …’ (the long shortlist of possibilities are below).

I would lay awake at night going ‘I would have …’ and adding every relevant and clever suffix to finish off the title. This occurrence also happened when I’d ride my bike, mow the lawn, sit on a plane – always trying to find that right title. I googled the most popular things said after ‘I would have’, I looked at other book titles, I scanned the manuscript for something clever that would connect the text to the cover, as that was completed way before the writing was finished, and thus ‘Derailed’ was a working title, gone off the tracks, changed tracks, got sidetracked, been wasted, died, lied, on and on it went. I couldn’t ask in an online or social media poll because only I and a few proofreaders knew what the book was about. I needed snappy, memorable, and at the same time the title had to relate to the cover – and nothing really worked.

Walking to the school bus I was discussing the problem with my eleven-year-old Bulgarian concert buddy, pillion and backgammon opponent, saying to her, ‘If I wasn’t restricted by the first three words of the title l would have called the book A Life of Chai.’

With the brilliance of a young, lateral-thinking mind, unhampered by convention, rules and all the insomnia agonising I’d been through, she said to me, ‘Then why don’t you write on the cover: “I Would Have Called this Book A Life of Chai”?’

There was a moment’s pause, a microsecond of consideration, I caught my breath, and realised, then voiced, ‘That’s brilliant.’ I visualised the title on the cover, it would match the other two but would also stand alone and this book, although being the last part of a trilogy, does stand alone. In fact, I think as this one has the widest appeal, many readers will go back to Whiskey and start the series from the beginning after they’ve had their fill of Chai. And that is why Book Three of the Rambling On trilogy has a mute heading and an actual title, for cover aesthetics, for continuity, to complete the ‘should have, could have, would have’ theme, but at the same time having a snappy, memorable, clever and ultimately relevant title. So I gotta thank my step daughter Radost who cut through all my constraints to find the simple route to the final stage of the final book in the Rambling On trilogy

The cover still isn’t finished but that’s the story so far. Below are the list of other possible titles.





Wasted potential





Sued like Netflix







A fixer




A parent












A brat packer

Left waiting

Left wanting

A drift (er)




A writer





Like this

Finished by now

Finished sooner





Gone off the rails

Gone off track

Told tails


Held back

Said S’long

Had a novel idea


Died inside

Died between the lines

Read between the lines

Only one view

Shared the views

Dumped the baggage

Left the baggage

Lost the point

Got straight to the point

Gone over the edge

Rescripted it

Rewritten it

Seen truth between the lines

Had only one view

Got in trouble

Told it differently

Made it up

Got off


Led a life of chai

Had shit to deal with

Had toxic problems

Walked the night alone

Woken with the sunrise

Lied with her

Embraced the gloom

Back tracked

Got better sleep

Made tracks

Put my foot in it

Covered more

Uncovered more

Lost the plot

Told the truth

Got to the point



2 thoughts on “So what’s it called now?”

    1. All recorded, currently in post-production. Might be out before Christmas, my distributor has been taken over by Spotify so that may make the launch process quicker… or slower.

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