The other week I mislaid my trusty beer can cooler, or at least that’s when I realised it was missing. I wasted much time re-looking in the only place it should have been. Admitting defeat I decided to replace it. I searched ‘cool can coolers/sleeves/koozies and any other possible name they may have but they were all crap.
So I decided to raise the stakes, and ordered some custom made totally cool coolers, however when they arrived it turned out they were in fact as crap as all the rest. Not in design obviously but quality, they are really quite thin, but at the same time light and easy to travel with and equally easy to lose.
This is a very limited item to test the water, or beer or coke or what ever can is sleeved with in.
Be more popular at parties, provoke stimulating conversations, about books, travel, motorbikes or the overall quality of Chinese imports, just by having one of these in your hand.
Also on the plus side they being so light means they are free to post.
So grab yourself a drink and a novelty cooler to encase it.
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